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Write Yourself Well

Updated: Dec 7, 2023

An Introduction to the Business and Me

What is Write Yourself Well, and who runs it?

Photograph of a hand writing on sheets of paper with creative writing exercises on
Aisha trialling some creative exercises

Image of Aisha writing

What is Write Yourself Well?

Write Yourself Well is a subscription based service that offers writing workshops focussed on writing for wellbeing, writing for fun, and writing as a form of self expression. The workshops cover poetry, story telling, journalling, descriptive writing and more. I have also created some products that reflect the brand such as notebooks and postcards with poetic messages on. As the business grows, I want to build a community that appreciates the process of writing just as much as the outcome, and offers advice, support and ideas to each other and the business.

What workshops are available?

The current catalogue of workshops includes: Sentimental Scribbles; Good Words; Framing Stories; Journalling for Change; Capturing Creativity and Wordplay Wonders with new content added weekly.

Who is Aisha?

I am a a poet, an MA student, and all-round creative being. I've always had a passion for writing, and in particular poetry. I remember writing poems and stories for school competitions as a child, and finding inspiration in the small things around me. My poetry these days is focussed on anxiety and mental health but also explores topics like climate change; feminism and class.

Where did WYW start?

WYW started as an idea at the end of my final year studying English and Creative Writing at Teesside University. I needed to start a career, but nothing seemed to call to me. My favourite modules I studied during my degree were "Facilitating Workshops" and "Writing and Wellbeing". I decided I needed to blend the knowledge I gained through my degree, and in particular these modules, into a business idea. I discussed this with my careers advisor at university, and was directed to Launchpad who then encouraged me to apply for the Fuel programme, which is a 7 week intensive business growth course. I applied; got on; built the foundations of my business; gained an immense amount of business knowledge from industry experts and my peers- something I was hugely lacking beforehand. Throughout the course I built my business, and officially launched in October 2023.

What's this blog?

I've decided to create this blog as a way to talk about the business; my writing services; and all other things related to writing and business. I'll be aiming for a weekly post about whatever topic it is that's been on my mind that week- sharing written prose; poems or other artistic ventures I attempt.

Interested in finding out more?

Check out the website, sign up for a free trial or have a browse of the current products available!

LinkedIn: Aisha Lama

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